Secure payment

Safety first !

Secure browsing and shopping cart All your purchases on are secure from end to end.

From your arrival on our site to the validation of your payment, we make sure that you are safe. Our site uses recent technologies and protocols (TLS v1.2/1.3), encryption algorithms that are safe, proven and free of any known vulnerability. A Daylight Star does not keep or know your payment card numbers. Secure payment A star in broad daylight uses the Stripe payment solution. PCI-DSS Level 1 certified organization, the most stringent certification level in the payment industry. All card numbers are encrypted with AES-256. Decryption keys are stored on separate machines. None of Stripe's servers, programs or internal processes can access card numbers in the clear. You can get more information on the Stripe site, in their security documentation. Communicating with Stripe Communication between Une étoile en plein jour and Stripe is done by following these same security principles and no third party intervenes in these exchanges. At no time are you redirected to a site other than Une étoile en plein jour to make your payment. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need additional information.